I got to wondering how many of you, or if any of you, have ever been spurred into a brand new novel by a simple line that worked its magical way into your thoughts and wouldn't leave you alone until you created a story to match its magic? I know this question is directed at authors, but many readers are also interested in the thought process of how a novel comes into being and what motivates authors, so I hope non-authors will find this blog of interest as well.

"There are demons within us all just as surely as there is the goodness of Christ. Love is blind to both..."

 That line crept into my imagination and haunted me until I wrote my latest Gothic Historical Romance, PASSION FOR VENGEANCE

What about you? How many authors have been piqued by a line that crossed their thoughts? Or, is the power of just one line enough to launch a whole story? I believe it is. 

And just so you can't call me a "one line wonder," I've just started a brand new Gothic Historical Romance, WHERE EVIL DWELLS. And what was the line that started me off on this one? Well, two, but the one I will share because it is the most powerful....

"I'm afraid I've been romancing death more than anyone of flesh and blood..."

So, another line from my fertile imagination has the power to ignite a novel into existence, even the book cover too! Below is the cover for my newest Gothic Historical Romance work in progress, born of one single line...

 As an author, has a single line, sprung out of nowhere and grabbed your imagination,
 spurred a full length novel? I would love to hear your stories. 

Leave your comments and share your experiences.


LD Masterson said…
I've never had a line launch a whole novel but I've had a single image do it. Similar, I guess. I'm just visual.

As an artist and an author, images will also work the same magic for me. I think most people respond to the visual as much as the written word. Some authors create their books as if a movie is unfolding before them, so in a way, authors can use their love for the visual to propel the words they put on the paper. Thanks so much for your post.
Clare Ashton said…
I haven't had a line inpsire a novel from cold. But once I start writing, certain lines haunt the story telling. For After Mrs Hamilton the most persistant was "How many times do you have to make me love you."
Powerful magic, writing. That's what makes authors always want to write, right? Congrats with AFTER MRS. HAMILTON.

Thanks for your post, Tig.
T.T. Thomas said…
Well, I had a line that didn't cause me to write an entire book, but I've had a line for a certain kind of character that I was finally able to use in my forthcoming novel, A Delicate Refusal, due out in June. It's set in England just as WWI is beginning---sort of a Downton Abbey for lesbians!

Oh the line? "I'm as tired as old geraniums."

"Downton Abbey for lesbians..." Well, you said two magic words that will sure fire get me first in line for your new book, A DELICATE REFUSAL....."Downton Abbey." And for lesbians! My fave show on television right now. Congrats on the new upcoming book.

Love the line. Thanks, Tarra, for the post.

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