Everyone Loves a Sexy Vampire

It has been such a long road for this vampire tale. I am satisfied that as the author, I finally got the book I wanted. I am pleased to offer SO DEAD, MY LOVE Author's Choice to vampire lovers. The book, under a different title, was published by a now defunct publisher. It was edited beyond what I had intended, but as a new, unpublished author, excited to get her first book into publication, I eagerly agreed to any and all editing suggestions. The experience was a disaster. After starting up my own publishing imprint, Black Car Publishing, I decided to offer the book again after acquiring the rights back. I changed the title to the original one and paid an editor to take a look at the book again. I wondered about the beginning being so padded and a bit confusing, but this editor also suggested (as did the first), that some of the information at the beginning of the book was necessary and should stay. I published it with a new cover and a few things I wanted to add. This was during an especially tough time in my life when I spent time in the hospital and was very ill. Because I didn't have all the time to devote to the construction of the book, the printing and typesetting in the first batch of this edition had some problems. Since I own all the rights to my book and had the luxury of taking one last chance on putting out the story I wanted to tell, I took the opportunity to add much more to the story, eliminating some of it that didn't work.
I hope that those that have read previous editions and enjoyed them might welcome this Author's Choice Edition as well. For those who read the book and didn't care for it, perhaps this edition might be more to your liking. And lastly, if you like vampire stories but haven't read SO DEAD, MY LOVE, the Author's Choice Edition is now your perfect chance to read it.
The book is available online at Amazon.com, BN.com (Barnes and Noble) and other online booksellers. As an added treat, if you order through my web site : www.pattyghenderson.com, you will get an autographed copy. It's easy to order if you have PayPal and I will ship promptly.
Thank you for allowing me to share my vampire tale with you. I'm working on the second book, THE BLOOD RUNS COLD.
I'm looking forward to more from Black Car Publishing.